Sunday, September 19, 2010

Drama: The Vampire Diaries 202

Not a bad episode.  More of the same from the Salvatore brothers.  This was more an episode about Caroline, which is good - I've liked her since the beginning.  More Caroline more Caroline!  And less Bonnie - please!  I wish someone would just stick a stake through her mouth and be done with it.  6.5/10.

Movie: The Traveler aka Mr Nobody

Saw this and thought Val Kilmer did well.  Worth watching.  Paul McGillion, the doctor from SG Atlantis, also was in this movie.  Hadn't seen him since his extras role in Star Trek (2009), when I saw his face pop onto the screen for all of two seconds and remember thinking: "Life must be hard as an actor." Back to the movie - blood and guts scenes were a bit over-the-top and silly.  Although this may have been an attempt at humor.  The blonde was ok looks-wise and we got to see her bra for a few moments.  More flesh from her definitely would have helped.  5/10.